Travel: TripSmart Travel App


Kylie over from TripSmart sent me a message to let me know about the recently launched TripSmart app.

As a travel fan herself, there have been many times where she been concerned that if something went wrong while she was away, that her family/loved ones back home would be left clueless as to where her house keys were, her passport number, insurance details, where her pets are being kenneled, whether or not her special medical needs were being taken care of, or where her Will was being stored.  She decided to create an app that does this quickly and easily for people.

TripSmart is also currently featured in the New>Travel section of the AUS AppStore!

If you would care to take a look at TripSmart app, click here: (



One thought on “Travel: TripSmart Travel App

  1. Hmmm, interesting. I’ll have to check the app out – travel apps can be so helpful!

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