Book: Life is Full of Sweet Spots


“Happiness is not something ready made, it comes from your own actions.” – Dalai Lama

In Life Is Full of Sweet Spotsauthor Mary O’Connor draws on the experiences of some 40 assorted people who have found happiness in their own lives, and presents ways of finding joy in a world where sadness and loss seem to overshadow peace and contentment.

This easy read showcases bits of inspiration, supportive research and a bit of a surprising travel by inviting readers to explore joy’s favorite hiding places: the earth, sea and sky…as well as our bodies, minds and souls. Beautiful illustrations and photos accompany the stories, encouraging readers to find their sweet spot in life.

“The search for joy and happiness in life is consistently triggered by both difficult and good times, by economic highs and lows, by sociological and psychological trends alike,” says O’Connor. “This book creates a helpful framework of places to visit, things to do, useful facts and suggested resources, and in so doing, helps its readers discover their personal sweet spots of life.”