Top 5 Wildlife Holiday Destinations

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Very few people on this Earth end up not being moved upon witnessing the sight of some wild animal in its natural surroundings. Although we are very accustomed to see them confined in a zoo, animals can show their grace only when they are allowed to move freely, feed freely, and in short live without any boundaries.

Fortunately for everyone, their freedom and our pleasure of spending time with them are not mutually exclusive. This time, however, it is our turn to leave our comfort zone and roam into the wilderness to meet our beautiful cohabitants. Let us take a look at 5 best wildlife holiday destinations.

Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos Islands are famous for two things – Their lush animal life and one of their most famous visitors Charles Darwin, who began to form the Theory of Evolution in this exact place. Once you visit the Galapagos Islands you will see that these two things are not a coincidence. Being one of the most biologically diverse areas of the world, and hosting a large number of rare animals and birds (one of them is a famous Galapagos tortoise who can live up to 150 years), Islands are a place where we can all remind ourselves that we are just a small piece of nature’s beautiful puzzle.

Meeting the Gorillas in Uganda and Rwanda

Mountain gorillas are some of the proudest and most majestic animals in existence, but unfortunately with just 700 of them remaining in the world, they are also one of the animal species whose survival is very uncertain. Spotting them can be considered nothing short of a privilege, so do not miss the chance to take a trip to Uganda or Rwanda and try to meet this beautiful giants in person.

National Park Yellowstone

If you have watched the movie “Dances with Wolves” the thing you probably remember the most is the epic buffalo hunt scene. Unfortunately, the days of large free-roaming buffalo herds vanished with the Old West, but traces of those long gone times can still be found in the famous national park Yellowstone, located in the USA. Offering you the chance to meet America’s own big five (bison, cougar, elk, grizzly and a wolf), Yellowstone will show you the glimpse of life on the old frontier where men lived surrounded with wild animals.

Tiger Safari in India and Nepal

Great alternative to the previous mentions, and a very worthwhile entry on its own, too. Today, tigers are one of the most endangered species in the world. With their 30 reserves and modern conservation methods respectively, India and Nepal are doing a great job in ensuring tigers’ survival, so if you love these beautiful, elusive and dangerous animals, be sure to visit one of these two countries. You will be rewarded with a spectacular experience.

Safari in Africa

It is very hard to talk about observing the wildlife without stumbling upon African safari at some point, so there is no better way to conclude this list than by mentioning this quintessential wildlife experience. Be aware, though, African safari is a pretty broad term, so you will have to choose whether you are going to go on a conventional jeep safari in East Africa, rent a car and opt for a self-driving holiday in South Africa, or take some sweet time to check both of them in one swoop and make sure you will catch all of the Africa’s big five (lion, elephant, leopard, rhino, and buffalo) with some of your trail cameras is only up to you.

These were our top 5 travel destinations where you can get a chance to meet some of the extraordinary animals that share this world with us. Picking one of them will not be easy, but rest assured, no matter how you decide to spend your holiday, you will be rewarded with an experience worth remembering in years to come.