Energize Your Travel Workout With Good Nutrition


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A good workout takes a lot of energy. For optimal performance and stamina, good nutrition before, during, and after a workout session is essential. Depending on your workout goals, body weight and age, your nutrition requirements may vary, but every type of workout needs proper fuel for energy.

Before You Head to the Gym

Your pre-workout meal should consists of proteins and carbohydrates to boost energy levels. Keep your meal low in fat, less than 10 grams, since fat slows down digestion. Working out with a sluggish digestive system will decrease your energy and hinder your workout.


Good sources of protein include lean beef, chicken or turkey, as well as fish like salmon and tuna. Consider healthy portions for your body weight and make a meal that’s easy to digest.


Carbs metabolize into glucose quickly, so they give you fast energy for an intense workout. A typical cardio session requires a lot of energy, so your pre-workout meal should be made up of at least 75 percent carbohydrates and consumed at least 30 to 60 minutes before your workout begins. If you schedule a long workout session, you can also add protein and fiber to your meal to provide a steady supply of energy and prevent fatigue.

Healthy carbs like pasta, rice, sweet potatoes and oatmeal provide great pre-workout nutrition. You can also add supplements that help to regulate protein metabolism in your body. Whether you schedule a quick workout or a long, intense one, always include plenty of water in your pre-workout plan.

During Your Workout

Although your workout sessions at airport gyms may not be long or intense enough to need sustained energy, protein snacks and certain energy supplements can help endurance, especially if you’re tired from your flight. If you plan to train at a high-intensity level for more than an hour, you may need an extra energy boost from supplements that contain important amino acids like leucine, lysine and methionine. However long your workout session, don’t forget to stay hydrated with plenty of water during your workout.

After You Leave the Gym

After your workout, it’s essential to focus on hydration and healthy protein that builds muscle strength and helps to prevent fatigue and sore muscles. A long, intense workout that lasts over an hour will deplete a lot of water and protein in your body. It’s important to replace it as soon as possible, preferably within one hour after you leave the gym.

Proper Hydration

When you exercise, a great deal of water is lost through perspiration, so you can get dehydrated rather quickly. It’s important to rehydrate after a workout, and the best source of hydration for your body is pure, clean water. Some people choose to consume sports drinks like Gatorade or Powerade to replenish lost electrolytes, but these beverages contain a lot of sugar and calories. Coconut water is a great alternative to sugary sports drinks, and it’s a good source of magnesium and potassium.

Healthy Protein

You should consume a protein meal or protein shake within two hours after your workout. This will give your body what it needs to build lean muscle, repair muscle damage, prevent muscle soreness, and fight fatigue. After a workout, your meal should consist of high-protein foods that are low in fat. Chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, cottage cheese and humus are great choices. For a smaller meal, you can also include peanut butter, cheese and healthy veggies. Protein shakes are good for a quick energy boost after a workout, since they are easy and fast to make.

It’s important to take care of your body with regular exercise and good nutrition, but you need both for best results. Without a combination of exercise and healthy foods, your body will age faster and your energy level will decline. Starting a regular workout routine at a young age will help you build body strength and agility, mental alertness, and a healthier lifestyle.

When you’re planning your workout meals, focus on your workout goals and the length of your workout sessions, as well as your age and body weight. You want to make sure you provide the right fuel for sustained energy, high endurance, and muscle strength and repair. Heading to a workout at the gym without proper nutrition is like driving a car without gas in the tank. It will leave you stranded without energy, fatigued with sore muscles, and much less motivated for your next workout session.