Armchair Travel: Escape with These Great Reads

Looking to take a trip for an afternoon? Cozy up to one of these great books that will take on a journey.



It’s Already Tomorrow Here: Never Underestimate the Power of Running Away by Lucetta Zaytoun

 The modern day version of EAT PRAY LOVE, Lucetta finds herself at the end of a marriage and after raising 6 children, and decides to run way. After selling her house, car and most of her belongings, she packs up and heads off traveling around the world. Through heartbreak and tragedy, she finds herself jumping off the world’s highest bungee bridge, French-kissing a giraffe, falling in love with Africa, being abducted, eating tarantula in Cambodia, and ultimately finding herself.



Master of Alaska

This saga features the life of the first Russian governor of Alaska, Aleksandr Baranov, and is an inspirational story.

2017 is the sesquicentennial of the U.S. purchase of Alaska from Russia, making it an important date.

The history: Baranov was sent to Alaska in 1790 to run things for Tsarina Catherine the Great for 5 years. Everyone sent to replace him until 1818 died on the way, so he was in the job for 28 years.  During this time, in a land of volcanoes, glaciers, giant bears and fierce Natives, he had to deal with every imaginable problem – giant earthquake followed by a destructive tsunami; two Tlingit massacres of his outposts including Sitka; assassination attempts, etc.

He won the 5-day Battle of Sitka in 1804, rebuilt his fort there and then made peace with the Tlingits, thanks to the help of his smart and beautiful Native wife Anna (pictured on the book’s back cover) who had a special gift of empathy.