Travel Guest Post: How to Save on Dining Out

Enough with the home-cooked meals. It’s time to get out of the house and let someone else prepare your food for a change. In response to tight budgets, frugal advisers have recommended for some time now that we stay at…

Categories: food, guest post

Travel Guest Post: Travel with the Stars

If you can’t be a star, join them. Hotels and villas Richard Branson: Necker Island (British Virgin Islands) The goateed man behind Virgin, Richard Branson has opened up his home on his private Necker Island in the British Virgin Islands to…

Categories: adventure, food, holiday

Travel: Think Pink for October

October is breast cancer awareness month. The American Cancer Society states the chance of a woman having breast cancer sometime in her life is about one in eight.  Check out these pink items that will not only make travel easier…

Categories: charity, travel

Travel Guest Post: Holiday in the Flowery Land

Florida flowers by Kathern Welsh. Florida holidays  It seems that travellers to Florida can’t help but give the State a nickname; La Florida, as it was christened by the earliest package tour operator (the Spanish Empire) means the flowery land…

Categories: florida, guest post, holiday