Spring brings a new lease of life into the surrounding area and with it a fresh start; but what products can you take with you in order to give your body and mind a fresh feeling whilst you’re on the move? To create the best start to your spring break we recommend the five following products to take with you on your travels, although they are non-essentials.
- Naomi King / Foter / CC BY
#1 – Aromatherapy Oils
We recommend that each individual purchase their very own aromatherapy essential oils collection. Our sense of smell is one of the senses that is most strongly linked with our long-term memories; by utilizing an aromatherapy set you can remind yourself of happy at home or on the road that have already occurred throughout your life and thus relax and look forward to the road ahead of you. Using essential oils doesn’t just help to lift your mood, they also significantly improve productivity.
#2 – Cleansing & Exfoliating Gel
Once you’ve used the therapeutic oils to clear your mind and lift your mood it’s time that you spent a little TLC on your body – when you’ve been on the road for a long time it’s easy to forget about your bodies needs as you’re focussed on the future. Treat yourself by bringing back that spring glow. Purchasing a cleansing and exfoliating gel to remove excess skin and rejuvenate your body can also stimulate the mind and help you to think clearer. However, we recommend that before utilising these products fully you first test the product against your skin to prevent an allergic reaction from occurring – it can be difficult to obtain medicine in a foreign country if you do not know the native language.
#3 – Moisturizing Lotion
It’s easy for skin to become sensitive, dry and worn after a cleansing and exfoliating process, and after either a lot of exposure to the sun or glare from the environment; UB light can also increase the rate and intensity of skin damage. To aid the natural healing process of your skin and to replenish some of the oils that are lost through the cleansing process we recommend that you moisture approximately an hour after you have exfoliated.
Leaving this period of time will allow the pores within your skin to close so that you do not block them with the moisturizer; this will leave your skin blemish free.
#4 – Lip Care
We all know that during the winter months the low temperatures can cause the skin on our lips to become dry and cracked; however the sun’s rays are capable of doing the same thing. If you leave your lips unprotected against strong UV light you will find that your lips are sore, dry and will begin to flake; to decrease the chances of this happening you should apply a protective lip balm when venturing outdoors in harsh conditions.
#5 – Shaving Foam or Balm
This product is aimed at men who do not look after their skin pre-shave or post-shave; if you look after your skin effectively you could find that shaving is not such an unpleasant experience. Utilising shaving balm can help you avoid wrinkles at an early age and will also leave your skin feeling much softer. On the other hand, if you keep your skin in a good condition it will be able to endure your journey better than if you were to shave without caring for the condition of your skin.
Author: Anna Jones spends a lot of her time on the road as she travels to various locations to compete in badminton competitions. When Anna isn’t competing she can be found behind her desk at Esta Romi where she advises others on gifting, travel essentials and luxury items.