Travel Guest Post: Tips for First-Time Overseas Travelers


Traveling internationally for the first time is an exciting experience, but it doesn’t come without some anxiety, too. You can alleviate a lot of that anxiety by preparing well in advance of your trip, and doing a little research about where you’re going. The following tips can help you get ready for your adventure abroad.

1. Apply for a passport and/or visa

Passports can take over six weeks to be processed and delivered to your home – assuming you finish the application in one day. And a visa can take up to a month to process and deliver. Because of this extended wait period, make sure to complete this step several months before your trip, to allow for any complications or delay. If you don’t have the proper documents, you will have no choice but to cancel your trip.

2. Purchase insurance

Anything can happen while traveling overseas, and a serious illness or injury while in another country can not only ruin your trip, it can leave you with massive medical bills, too. Purchase international medical insurance so you can rest easy, knowing you’re covered if you need medical care. You can choose from plenty of short-term policies that can fit your specific needs, whether you’re studying abroad or simply going on vacation.

3. Research language, customs and weather

Before you leave, research the language, culture and weather of your destination. Learn some basic words and phrases that may be helpful to you. Keep in mind you may not have cellphone reception overseas, so don’t count on your smartphone to translate for you. Bring a pocket translation dictionary along. If traveling to a temperate climate, bring clothing that can be layered according to changing weather.  And make sure you’re aware of any cultural taboos. You don’t want to step off the plane and immediately start offending the locals.

4. Create an itinerary

When you make a plan at home, it’s easy enough just to list off some things you’ll do and places you’ll go for the day. It’s not this easy for overseas travel. You can do quite a bit of advance planning on the Internet, or, if that intimidates you, you can get a travel agent to help with arrangements. Take maps with you on your trip, as well as directions for getting from one place to the next. And be reasonable about how many activities you can cram into one day.

Planning your first overseas travel experience might be a daunting task, but it’ll enable you to relax and enjoy yourself once you’re there. Remember that you can’t count on having the technology you’re accustomed to, so print out any information you might need, including receipts for hotel accommodations – and don’t forget a pocket translation dictionary.  Last but not least, remember to take a lot of pictures so you’ll always have reminders of your first trip overseas.