Travel: New Tech for Travelers


For the Pleasure or Business traveler, losing a phone, laptop, wallet, etc. while on the road can be paralyzing.

With a simple text message, Bungee Virtual Lost +Found  aims to end the problem of lost valuables, forever.

Bungee allows people to anonymously tag their property and link it to their cell phone number and email so that if anything is lost, it is easily returned.

If a lost item is found the Bungee tag instructs the finder to send a text message and then places both parties (the owner/finder) in a live, anonymous conversation so that a return can be arranged.

Bungee has been tested throughout the country with 80%-90% return rate.

Bungeetags is also priced affordably at $10 for one year coverage, $25 for lifetime coverage, and $75 for a family plan that covers 5 people.  Each set of tags covers 12 items (the family plan covers 60 items). For more info: