Lifestyle: Where to Find the Best Jewelry Around the World


If jewels and baubles are things that you cherish, instead of purchasing them from a store in a mall, you might want to consider an alternative shopping option; traveling. Valuable jewels come from around the world. In fact, those beautiful jewels that you purchase at your local jewelry store are usually imported from another location. After all, gems like turquoise, amber and pearls aren’t readily available in all parts of the world. So, while browsing the your local shops can certainly land lovely pieces, by traveling directly to the location that sells the jewels you are interested in, you’ll not only find truly stunning pieces, but you’ll also cut out the middle man and likely land a better deal.

Here is a look at regions that are famous for supplying some of the most fabulous jewels and gems:

Pearls:: If you love that bluish, green semi-precious gemstone known as turquoise, travel to either Persia or the Southwestern United States. Both of these locations are famous for producing simply stunning turquoise. This naturally occurring gem is mined in both of these parts of the world, and you will easily find ample amounts of jewelry that contains this lovely stone in both areas. Whether you want a more truly blue turquoise necklace or a greenish-bluish turquoise bracelet, you will find a one-of-a-kind piece in either one of these locations.

TurquoiseTo find the most impressive pearls in the world, you are going to want to travel to Australia. South Sea Pearls are regarded as the most splendid pearls in the world, and they are found most readily off the coast of Australia.  The South Sea Pearls are said to be the largest and most magnificent, and they are extremely rare; but they can most easily be found in Australia.

Pearls:: Diamonds are the most precious gems in the world, and if you want to have the chance to purchase the most magnificent diamonds, you’ll want to head to South Africa. This country is known the world over for its diamond mines. Some of the purest and largest diamonds have been pulled from the earth of South African diamond mines. In fact, if you have purchased a diamond anywhere in the world, there is a very good chance that it originated in South Africa.

TurquoisePetrified tree sap, better known as amber, has been transformed into lovely pieces of jewelry for centuries. It comes in a range of colors, including yellow, orange and green, and it truly does make a lovely statement when worn as a necklace, bracelet or earrings. This gem is also said to contain magical healing powers. While you can easily purchase amber jewelry anywhere in the world, the areas surrounding the Baltic Sea in Europe and the Dominican Republic are known for producing the most and the highest quality amber.

Jewelry completes an outfit, makes a fantastic gift, is used to symbolize meaningful events and quite simply creates an eye-catching look. If you are interested in finding unique pieces of jewelry, you’ll be sure to find exquisite options when you travel the world.

Marcela De Vivo is a freelance writer from Southern California. She loves traveling and spendign time with her family. She currently works for Pearls:.