Lifestyle: A Sexy Woman’s Only Retreat for a Sexy Body and Soul with Yoga Body Rio

Official 7 Sexy Chakras Flier

We see it everywhere. Everyone and their mother practices YOGA. Vinyasa, Hatha, Kundalini, Jivamukti, Power, yoga for cowboys and South Beach dieters, you name it! But the true ESSENCE of yoga, the spirit, the connectivity, the joy, often gets lost in a stark gym classroom with a disinterested teacher and iPhone obsessed students only there for a quick work out on their lunch break. It’s this very reason why those seeking a deeper, more meaningful practice absolutely MUST hop on a plane and head south. Really south. Brazil, to be exact.

Yoga Body Rio, a Brazilian retreat and lifestyle brand, founded by the beautiful Marisa Paska, offers exclusive, one of a kind EXPERIENCES for travelers and yoga lovers from all over the world to practice yoga in exotic locations. Trancoso Brazil, Marau Bahia, Rio De Janeiro, Buzios and Sao Paolo make for unforgettable scenery. Sure beats Equinox Gym in the midst of traffic jammed Columbus Circle. What’s more exotic and spiritually fulfilling than practicing Yoga before sleeping in a stunning villa right on the sand? Practicing yoga to…ahem…better your sex life.

Marisa Paska proudly announces a brand new, exhilarating all women’s retreat (sorry boys) titled SEVEN SEXY CHAKRAS: The Sexy Yoga Retreat.

Learn to love your beautiful body and how to use it as a spiritual mechanism to access pure power and pleasure. Experience the ecstasy of true freedom through Yoga and Dance on this Women’s Only Yoga Retreat in Trancoso, Brazil – August 2nd -9th 2014.

“I remember the first time I orgasmed during a meditation without touching myself, without really moving, lying down in savasana after an evening practice. It was unbelievable. Yoga opened a whole new level of sexual experience for me”! Describes Founder of Yoga Body Rio, Marisa Paska. “Brazilians love curvy bodies, sexy bodies, womanly bodies. Brazilians are into pinups, not heroin chic. They go to the gym to make their butt bigger, not smaller”.

Seven Sexy Chakras was designed to empower women by teaching them how to use their bodies’ “freedom tools,” “Pleasure tools,” and “Party tools.” Though Seven Sexy Chakras is a fun, breathy retreat, it also reminds women how to dive deep and regain confidence in a world obsessed with negative body image, super model stardom, and unrealistic expectations in all aspects of life. Programming includes a two-hour super sweaty morning work out that fuses vinyasa yoga, tantra yoga and dance followed by teachings from India and practical tools that teach you how to access the ecstatic feeling of freedom. Seven Sexy Chakras will teach students seven sequences that access inner power, unparalleled confidence and harness the ability to ATTRACT and MAGNETIZE what you want in life from the bedroom to business. Let’s not forget the 8 different ways a woman can reach an orgasm. (Again, sorry boys).

Founder Marisa Paska and the Yoga Body Rio team are also announcing a social media contest, inviting yoga lovers all over the world to submit their sexy vinyasa flow via youtube for a chance to win two free nights stay during the Chakras retreat.

SEE VIDEO INVITE HERE for contest rules and learn the vinyasa flow!

Students can literally “turn off” the moment they land as all meals are included, comprised of ultra organic, locally caught and sourced cuisine. There’s delicious fruit everywhere, unrivaled raw juices, fresh-baked breads and jams homemade from organic produce. The coconut water comes from the coconut tree, not a box, and the seafood is straight from fisherman’s net.

To learn more about Yoga Body Rio and The Seven Sexy Chakras retreat Visit: and