Sustainable Foods That Go Wherever You Do


Travel is easier than ever with the advent of online bookings, room share programs and itineraries. With all of the progress that’s been made, airport food and unhealthy snacks can still start to feel like the only options available for people who travel regularly.

It isn’t easy to find sustainable, natural and delicious foods that fit into your schedule and lifestyle, and it seems like tech has managed to upgrade every part of the travel experience except the food we eat. If you’re looking for something better than airline entrees and candy bars from gift shops, you aren’t alone.

Luckily, there are a number of options that have emerged from recent innovators in the food tech movement. It may take a bit of research, but you can find sustainable foods that go wherever you do. Investing in quality eating while travelling is the best way to ensure your trip stays on track. Just pay attention to a few key parts of your food.

Get Grub on the Go

No matter where you’re going, one of the best parts of the trip will likely be taking in the local cuisine and enjoying restaurants of the locale. This is great, but you need sustenance to fill the gaps between big meals, too. The best option for on-the-go eating is something simple and light. You don’t want to be bogged down by food that’s too rich.

Several food startup companies, such as Hampton Creek, have taken the cue and developed foods that fit the bill. The company’s line of Just foods includes all natural fare that’s ideal for travel packing.


Ditch Artificial Preservatives and Additives

The worst possibility imaginable when you’re away from home is getting sick. Many people report that they are particularly susceptible to illness while travelling, and it’s been found that the additives contained in processed foods can contribute to sickness.

This makes the usually over-sugared and processed snacks a bad combination with travel. Instead, opt for options that leave out these harmful ingredients and only contain natural, healthy ones. Hampton Creek has made waves in the food sector by adopting this approach. Taking harmful ingredients out of your diet makes traveling easier and reduces the likelihood of sickness triggered by additives.


Find Snacks That Sustain

Perhaps the greatest principle of finding good travel snacks is finding snacks that nourish and sustain. You’ll likely notice that foods which accomplish this are also free from the ingredients you’re trying to avoid. It can be tempting to reach for the easily accessible foods when you’re on the go, but investing in better eating is an investment in your health and the quality of your trip.

Foods that are sustainably sourced are quite often the ones that provide substantial sustenance to your body, too. You have the power to eat well and take control of your trip. Food is a huge part of the travel experience, but you don’t have to be at the mercy of restaurants and airport gift shops. Empower yourself by doing research and finding foods that work for your lifestyle. You might be surprised at how much better you feel and how enjoyable your travels are when you start saying no to processed food.