Fashion: Cityzen by Azin Luxury Travel Wear

Tokyo Scarf

(Pictured: Tokyo Scarf, $250)

Love travel?

Love by luxury and fashion?

Check out Cityzen by Azin, a line that uses aerial views of the worlds most prestigious cities and imprints them on beautiful, vibrant dresses, bags and scarves. 

Cityzen by Azin redefines luxury with a global consciousness. Architect by day, designer Azin Valy was inspired by research for an exhibition on urban planning for the Museum of Modern Art. Stunning views of cities from above evoked a sense of diverse inhabitants sharing similar aspirations, providing the spark for the line.

Paris Scarf

Cities highlighted by Azin’s aerial designs include: NYC, Los Angeles, Chicago, Paris, Dhaka, Bangkok, Tokyo, Cairo, Tehran, Baltimore and more.